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When the weather starts to cool down, you don’t want to be worrying about cold air entering your home. 

But how can you stop the draught from entering your home? 

Keep reading to learn five simple techniques to keep cold air from coming through your windows.

Insulate your windows with foam tape 

One way to make your home warm during the winter months is to purchase foam insulation tape. Foam insulation tape is a great weather-proofing alternative for doors and windows that create a lot of draughts. Cut the tape to size and secure it along the areas that have a draft. However, this is only a short term solution. Other alternatives should be considered if you’re looking for something more long term. 

Hang insulated curtains

If you’re looking for a way to make your home warmer, then purchasing thick curtains can be a great way to insulate your home.  Curtains can be used as a way to exclude draughts as well as light. If the curtains are thick enough, they can help prevent air movement, thus making your home warmer. Curtains can also be used as a method to make your home more aesthetically pleasing.

Re-Caulk windows and doors

If you’re not planning on opening your windows during the winter months, caulking is an effective way to reduce the cold air coming through your windows. Caulking  is a method that is used to seal windows shut and can be used to block out any damaged areas of your window frames that may be letting in draughts. Re-caulking your windows is a great way to comprehensively seal your windows against the cold air. It is an effective and efficient technique, however, if done incorrectly, can make windows look unsightly. 

Make Fabric Draught Excluders 

If you’re looking for a DIY project over the winter months, why not consider making draught excluders for your home. Draught excluders can be laid against the window to reduce the cold air from the outside coming into your home. Draught excluders are a cheap way to reduce draught and can be used as a way to decorate your home. A drawback of using draught excluders is that you can only use them at the base of your window. As a result, if the draught is coming in through the rest of the window, it will not be blocked. 

Upgrade to Secondary Glazing

If you can afford to upgrade your property then secondary glazing is one of the best ways to keep cold air from penetrating your windows. Secondary glazing is extremely versatile and offers a permanent solution that improves the overall appearance of your property.  Secondary glazing also comes with ventilation which means you can easily control the temperature of your room. 

Get a secondary glazing quote and keep your home warm this winter

Here at Humberside Glazing, we offer an extensive range of secondary glazing options to help improve the thermal efficiency of your home.

If you’re interested in learning more about our products and services, contact us today.